I've been wanting to add the links of blogs I read to my blog, so that it's easy for me to find them, but as usual, I'm just too lazy to do it. Sooooooooo, I go and visit those blogs who has a long link of bloggers, like
Belacans. Or I'd pop by to
1+2mom, or whoever that I remember has a bloglist. :)
Twinsmom used to have a long list, but she dropped it. Pity.
It's not a lot of work, I know, but these days working on website is not my idea of fun. Actually it was never my idea of fun. Fun is eating ice cream with peaches, drinking beer and eating potato chips, napping in the afternoons and staying up late at night reading novels, surfing the Net as long as you can without paying for it, going surfing in the Pacific Ocean, going stargazing, drinking hot mocha on a cold night, killing cockcroaches by stamping on them hard, attending a rock concert and screaming your lungs out, drinking coke-float, eating buah keluak, tickling my children and making them laugh, pulling funny faces and challenging them to make funnier ones.....................
I think it's time for me to take a holiday. When was the last time I had one? Don't even remember. I took 4, 2 and 4 months off espectively for my maternity leaves, so officially it looks like I've had enough holidays. But holidays are for resting, aren't they? Maternity leaves don't get you a lot of rest, unless of course you have a mother or MIL who force you to lie in bed, take your baby away from you and don't let you breastfeed them, insist that you can't bathe for a month or even wash your hands, eat chicken and chicken only for 3x a day, 30 days a month, drink no plain water, eat no vege...........
I forgot to ask my friends who went through that--if you can't wash your hands during confinement, who cleans your backside after you poop?