Friday, November 18, 2005

Reptile Encounter -2

October 31, 2005

Even though he had his visit to the Reptile Encounters yesterday, it wasn’t enough for Leonard. *Sigh*………

So he’s bugging me to go again, because “They have tigers there Mummy! Your favourite animal! You can play with them!” *sigh*……………….

“I don’t like snakes, Leonard.”

“But you likes tigers. They have tigers there, Mum! I want to play with the tigers.”

Sexydad was keen to the #2 and #3 see the snakes too—“They are going to be men. They can’t afford to be afraid.” No wonder he’s so stressed up—so much expectation of himself in this life.

Off we go to MITC, me getting more and more jittery and tensed as we get nearer the place. Thankfully the show was in a corner of this great big hall, so you could avoid it if you want.

Since the kids had free tickets from their nursery, off they went to into the show. I stood about 20 feet away from that place and one guy tried to sell me a phone that offers cheap calls. Prepaid and you need to buy their phone. Not my kind of deal.

Anyway, the kids had their fun and came out. Leonard again went to the jar of snakes and took them out to play. Little pythons, I was told.

According to Sexydad, when they were in the enclosure, Laurenz played with a rare species of tortoise/turtle (can’t remember). It being exotic, the girl in charge was worried of its welfare and tried to take it back from Laurenz. But this cheeky little fella refused to give it back. He held the tortoise behind his back and claimed, “It’s mine! Daddy buy for me! OH MY GOD!!!! I swear I did not teach him to do anything like that!!

Luckily nothing happened to the turtle. And he handed the tortoise back to the girl after some persuasion. Otherwise I’d be RM500 poorer.


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