Friday, November 18, 2005


November 18, 2005

Nov 11—MIL’s lung X-ray showed she had secondary cancer. Dr. C sent her for a CT scan on her torso, but no signs of primary cancer was seen.

After seeing the CT scan, Dr. C concluded that more scans are needed, and sent her for MRI on the brain. It showed a brain tumor the size of a golf ball.

According to Dr. C, and also Dr. P, the neurosurgeon, a surgery is needed immediately to remove the tumour, otherwise it could pressed so much into her brain that she could just fall into coma anytime, or get unconscious and just fall down and God knows whatever can happen.

But she needed to go through tests and see if her body can take the surgery. Since it’s already Saturday afternoon, and nothing much can be done, Sexydad suggests that she be admitted on Monday and to have the tests done after admission. So they gave her some steroids to slow the tumour growth.

Nov 12—MIL’s kids (excluding Sexydad) still arguing over whether MIL should go for the surgery. Who’s going to pay, they asked. Who’s going to take care of her after the operaton, they asked. How much is it going to cost, they asked. Who’s going to the pay? Again they asked. We cannot force #1 to take care of Mother, they say. Hello??? Did anybody mention asking #1 to take care of Mother? Why bring up that issue if it’s not you people knowing #1 does nothing the whole day, and has all the time in the world to do something—like taking care of his mother.

Had dinner with Dr. S, and they asked him if MIL should go for the surgery. He said the same thing as Dr. P—let her do the tests and see if she’s capable of it. Then Dr. P will give his advice.

Sexydad told them that if the tests show she can have the surgery, then she should have it. And if none of them wants to pay the bill, he will pay for it. All of it. SIL #4 showed a sour face.

Nov 13—MIL’s kids want a 2nd opinion. 4 doctors have already seen her (1 GP, 1 Geriatric specialist, 1 Oncologist, and 1 Neurosurgeon). I thought after 4 is 5. Ah well, some people just can’t count.

Go to another hospital to see another neurosurgeon, and his opinion was the same as Dr. P. Some people just have too much money to spend. And too much ego too.

Nov 14—MIL still at home, with her children still don’t want to decide. Ultimately I think they want somebody to make the decision for them. So that if anything happens they can point finger.

Nov 15—BIL #4 came to the house to see Sexydad over the surgery. They have decided that MIL will go for the surgery. And all children will contribute to the cost. Sexydad told them again that if it’s just a matter of cost that they’re delaying her admission to the hospital, then he will pay for all of it.

Nov 16—MIL got admitted to hospital for tests. Will undergo surgery on the next day at 10.30am. Surgery will take about 3-4 hours.

Nov 17—MIL sodium level too low. They had to raise it. But raising it too much might also cause her blood pressure to rise. So a balance they seeked.

MIL went for the surgery today at 10.30am. Operation was successful, and they were able to wake her up after the surgery. God willing, she will be better after this, and we will find a way to treat her lung cancer.

Are They Having A Party?

November 9, 2005

Uncle Eng passed away last night. So had to go to Singapore with Mum to attend the funeral. Initially decided to leave all the boys with Sexydad, but felt “kesian” for him, so brought Lucas along with me.

We took the Delima Express, and Lucas fell asleep about 5 minutes into the journey. He’s good when it comes to traveling—journey start he sleeps; before journey ends he wakes up. No trouble.

Reached Singapore and took a cab to St. Joseph’s Church in Bukit Timah. They had a chapel there for funeral services. Nice name—Chapel of Resurrection.

It was almost 8pm when we reached there. As we were walking towards the chapel, we could see lots of people, flowers, microphone, lectern, lights etc…..

And Lucas asked me, “Are they having a party?”

Ha!!! This boy has the knack for asking questions that are correct to my mind, but would be wrong if I said “yes” in polite society.

To me having the wake, giving your reflections on the person life, achievement etc, is a celebration. So, yeah, it’s a party. He’s an old man who has led a busy and fruitful life, has a fantastically kind and generous wife, a daughter who’s highly successful in what’s she’s doing, and two grandkids with another to come. I think celebrating his passing is a tribute to him.

But if I were to tell Lucas that yes it’s a party, then he’ll probably start singing some “Ho ho ho it’s magic…. you know………..” and get both of us lots of stares. So I said. “Urrrr…..not really, dear.”

When it's time for my funeral, I want them to have a reason to celebrate.

Reptile Encounter -2

October 31, 2005

Even though he had his visit to the Reptile Encounters yesterday, it wasn’t enough for Leonard. *Sigh*………

So he’s bugging me to go again, because “They have tigers there Mummy! Your favourite animal! You can play with them!” *sigh*……………….

“I don’t like snakes, Leonard.”

“But you likes tigers. They have tigers there, Mum! I want to play with the tigers.”

Sexydad was keen to the #2 and #3 see the snakes too—“They are going to be men. They can’t afford to be afraid.” No wonder he’s so stressed up—so much expectation of himself in this life.

Off we go to MITC, me getting more and more jittery and tensed as we get nearer the place. Thankfully the show was in a corner of this great big hall, so you could avoid it if you want.

Since the kids had free tickets from their nursery, off they went to into the show. I stood about 20 feet away from that place and one guy tried to sell me a phone that offers cheap calls. Prepaid and you need to buy their phone. Not my kind of deal.

Anyway, the kids had their fun and came out. Leonard again went to the jar of snakes and took them out to play. Little pythons, I was told.

According to Sexydad, when they were in the enclosure, Laurenz played with a rare species of tortoise/turtle (can’t remember). It being exotic, the girl in charge was worried of its welfare and tried to take it back from Laurenz. But this cheeky little fella refused to give it back. He held the tortoise behind his back and claimed, “It’s mine! Daddy buy for me! OH MY GOD!!!! I swear I did not teach him to do anything like that!!

Luckily nothing happened to the turtle. And he handed the tortoise back to the girl after some persuasion. Otherwise I’d be RM500 poorer.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Reptile Encounters

October 30, 2005

Sexydad brought Leonard to the coloring competition today. I thought it was to start at 9.00am, and shooed them out of the house by 8.30am. Turned out it only started at 10.30am. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…………… time cannot say Sexydad’s memory is bad anymore *sigh* …………

They went to the Reptile Encounters show, and Leonard insisted on taking part in the competition where you have to pick up the marbles from the bowl that contained a whole bunch of snakes. Very brave, this little chap. According to Sexydad, the organizers were so impressed with his bravery they gave them both free entry to the show.

Before they reached home, he told Sexydad, “Mummy don’t like snakes. So don’t tell her. You like snakes. It’s okay. You can play with them. I won’t tell Mummy you played with them.”