Friday, May 20, 2005

Why Star Wars is good for children

Somebody say she will boycott the blogs of bloggers who blog about Star Wars, and if they call her Jabba, be prepared to die. If she boycott the SW bloggers, how would she know who called her Jabba? Heh heh heh, 5Xmom, just couldn't resist this.

I think Star Wars is good for children. They will sit down and watch the TV when the Jedis take out their light sabres and fight, and will not disturb your kitchen.

They will fight with their light sabres only, and not throw other toys at each other.

When they cry, you tell them "Jedis don't cry", and they stop crying immediately.

They will stay in their room with their toy light sabres and not mess up your living room.

They will behave themselves so that Mummy won't call Darth Vader to come and take them away.

They say Mummy is prettier than Queen Amidala.

They say Mummy is a Jedi Queen.

Leonard says he is Obi-1, Lucas is R2D2 and Laurenz is C3PO

Lucas asked me why he is a robot, when Leonard is a man. Smart boy :)


At 1:55 pm, Blogger Suzette said...

Never knew there are so many benefit of Star Wars! Should I start training Ian to watch now? Hehehe! :p

At 3:27 pm, Blogger Ghostbird said...

lazybone--just let him watch the fighting sequence, and he won't need training. He'll catch on immediately :)

At 12:54 am, Blogger Ms One Boobie said...

Hehehe!! i should get chloe to stay watching too.. ;)

At 10:06 am, Blogger Blogger User said...

Yesterday, had lunch with my friend and she never stop talking about StarWars Episode 3. She brought her sons and they loved it.

Bila la nak gi tengok?

At 9:12 pm, Blogger Me said...

Very nice blog, enjoy reading your entry. :)

At 2:38 pm, Blogger Ghostbird said...

MrsT; Yeah, let her watch, but don't get upset if she starts hitting you with her spoon :)

Twinsmom: Have more kids lor......

thejamie: Going this Friday. Then got to find another day to watch Madagascar too....

jason: Darth Vader hasn't need to show up yet. But still trying to convince sexydad to dress up as DV.

therion: Thanks.

At 4:20 pm, Blogger Yoong Family said...

whoa, star wars can also be educational show, man. move aside barney and sesame street!

At 3:24 pm, Blogger said...

Hmmm...I might just give it a try....


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