Friday, March 11, 2005

Job application

I just received a job application letter. I don't have to reply to it, since I never did put out a notice of recruitment. But whenever somebody writes to me for industrial training or asking for job, I feel it's nice to reply to them even if I can't offer them anything. At least they know what the outcome is, instead of wondering if the rock has hit the bottom of the sea (石沉大海). I don't do it all the time, but if there's time, I try as best as I can.

But I don't like writing rejection letters. Makes me feel sad when I imagine what they feel like when they read it. Heck, it's a lesson everybody has to go through one time or another, unless you never had to apply for a job.


At 3:34 pm, Blogger Ms One Boobie said...

I hate sending rejection letters too.. but like you .. i like to think from the other side.. the person asking for hope.. and i would really like to know.. if i got the job or not.. so i still send rejection letters.. which i'm not crazy about.. :(


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